What do a jock, a marching band drummer, a theatre kid, and a book worm all have in common? They are all targets of Big Tobacco and victims of vaping. But what else do they have in common? A love for music! Band Together Against Vaping is a new statewide youth anti-vaping being developed by TNSTRONG and Smokefree TN, aiming to address the youth vaping epidemic through music, competition, and youth advocacy. Want to learn more? Keep scrolling….
SOS Video
calling out Big Tobacco and their use of music/media to target youth.
Fight Song-
Take back power of music and turn into advocacy
Written and performed by TN talent with strong youth ties
Arranged/charted for high school bands and choirs
Developed in collaboration with and featuring TNSTRONG Youth Ambassadors
Score cards created for each school with variety of ways to earn points throughout challenge (see example below)
Month long challenge
3-year staggered pilot rollout, with winner for each stage/year:
Year 1 - County
Year 2- Region
Year 3- Statewide
End of semester bash including:
Food trucks
Featured in local press
Championship banner/pennant to display at school
Grand Statewide Prize: performance of fight song at the TN State Capitol
“All kinds of kids are getting hooked on vaping at my school, and it’s effecting them in all kinds of ways. It’s one of the biggest problems facing youth in TN, so we need a big solution to fight back. ”